Submission Guidelines

Versus Publishing is a boutique publisher focusing on true crime/legal procedural narrative nonfiction, historical reference books, and hard science fiction and dystopian novels. We look for strong narratives with original ideas and a cohesive themes/concepts.

Versus Publishing Submission Guidelines 

If you would like us to consider your work, please submit a completed and edited manuscript along with a brief proposal discussing the goals of your project, a summary, a chapter outline, bio, and proposed market.

Your proposal should include:
  • A cover letter giving a short description of the project and what materials are included in the package. 
  • A proposal, which includes an outline, introduction, art list, and sample text/chapters. 
  • Sample illustrations or photographs (duplicates, not originals). 
  • A market analysis of the potential readership for your book, including a comparison to similar books. 
  • Author biography and credentials. 
If you do not know what do put into a book proposal, do some research. Google "book proposal for publisher."

We have no preference between emailed submissions and physical paper. Email your finished manuscript and proposal to "books" with the at symbol "" Send them in PDF format. No other formats will be opened.

Hard-copy submissions to the attention of the Editorial Department at:
Versus Publishing
401 East Tenth Avenue, Suite 400
Eugene, Oregon, 97401 

Please include your your name, address, telephone number, and e-mail address on the manuscript. Manuscripts will be shredded and not returned if rejected. Each manuscript we receive is individually reviewed, by one or two editors. The time frame is schedule dependent. Feel free to send follow-up emails but do not be discouraged or concerned if they are not returned right away. It is our goal to personally follow up with a rejection email and not to leave you hanging.

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